Friday, 28 March 2008

On Furry Love

Big blue eyes, milky-wet whiskers and a plump, warm belly.

The kitten shaky-walked a few steps and tumbled down into place on the linoleum floor, its head swaying lightly from side to side. Its tiny and delicate gaze rose up as far as it could and a frail, almost inaudible cry escaped its minuscule mouth.

Kneeling down, Doug gently put out his large, rough, manly hand for the small kitten. The tiny creature's face angled toward the man's thick fingers and its pink, wet nose touched it a few times. Lacking stability, the cat stumbled forward and regained its balance, but it began to sway again, this time like a drunk man.

A deep, hearty laugh rumbled from the chest of the large, though not obese man. The kitten did not notice, for it was now ambling along the kitchen, almost falling into the milk saucer, just to be scooped up last-minute by the large crane-hand of the man.

The poor little cat, feeling defenseless and startled by the sudden move, began crying once again, but louder and at a faster pace.

"Shh!", urged Doug. "Emily will hear you! We can't let her hear you, can we? It would ruin the surprise!"

He delicately held the kitten to his firm chest, talking to it in hushed tones. Doug began humming, which seemed to calm the small thing down and made it stop crying.

Doug hummed as he covered the short distance from the kitchen to Emily's room, passing through what was, for him, a rather cramped hall. He couldn't help stopping in mid-hall and staring wistfully at his wedding photograph. They had been so happy together. Why had she left? He could not find the reason. Well, at least he had Emily, and she was all he needed. That playful brown-haired princess was Doug's life; he would protect her to the end of his days...And even beyond.

The big man peeked curiously into his daughter's room. She slept so soundly; it gave him a tender feeling and a resolute tranquility.

The kitten had already fallen asleep in his arms. Doug took it back to the kitchen and placed it in a basket filled with clean rags.

"I'll have a load with you two," he murmured contentedly, crossing his arms over his chest. Despite all he had gone through, it seemed as if Doug had enough love in his heart for the whole world.

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