Everything gives you cancer. At least nowadays it does. I wonder if everything gave as much cancer a good 50 years back? Or is it just because of all the medical advances of the modern world?
What if we didn't know about cancer, would smoking still be bad? Would our lungs rot away?
This is similar to that question about the tree falling in the forest. If no one hears the tree when it falls, does it still make a sound?
Why do we ask questions, anyway? Why do we stop and think about what will happen? About how a roller coaster ride or a couple shots of tequila could send us into the grave? Everything could end this so-called life of ours. Life ends, anyway. And still, we choose not to smoke pot in college or not to stay up late so often just so we can live a few years more.
But something great could happen to me in those years when I outlived all of my friends. Not that it matters that I'll be alone and a bag of crap and old bones, does it? I did get those extra years I fought for when I said no to unprotected sex.
So maybe when I'm about to die I'll get really wasted, I'll do all the drugs I can find, I'll crash into all the parties in town, I'll have sex with all the chicks I can afford. Maybe then all that goddamned abstinence will be put to good use.
Photo: http://flickr.com/photos/bluegrrl/403189099/
LOVE this! Made me laugh out loud! Thank you for your comment on my blog - I can't tell you if my mum found out...you'll have to keep reading...;-)
Fantastic message though. I also hate living too cautiously which is why I just let loose sometimes but on the whole I'm a pretty conservative person. Think I'll do the same when I'm about to die...could be fun...
Then I will keep reading! :D
Once again, thank you. ^_^
I don't even know why but, yes, I have moved into a more satirical style with "choices" and this other entry. I have no idea why, but I love it. xD
I'm not all that conservative...But I'm not a partying pothead. Actually, I'm against smoking and drugs, which makes this post kind of...Ironic? Hypocritical? I'm not sure. I just wrote it cause I was pissed off at people saying that this and that gives cancer, blah blah. You seriously cannot enjoy life anymore with all that carcinogenic crap out there.
was surfing goggle help for some troubleshooting for my blog when i saw your post : I'll probably hate myself for this... etc..
so, i thought, i'll just drop by, and here i am! noticed your blog had the same layout as mine....
you know what? there is more to life than drugs, parties, alcohol and sex... and dying from cancer is not the worst thing... i'm seeing cancer patients almost everyday.. and they appreciate life more than many others, their strenght is something i admired.. life is short, live it to the fullest!! treasure the people around you... try something new each day.. travel places you dreamt of, write your heart out~
I like your blog. Found you in the Coffee Shop!
haha i LOVE your blog!
everything about it!
& yep if you think about it...just going outside each day you have a risk of dying! anything you do could be considered "life threatening"
so thanks for the the laughs in the midst of death-ridden life!
Loved this Billy. It's tone is consistent with your earlier article about choices, and indicates a reflective quality that I certainly did not have in my youth. You appear to have perspective, and that's a pretty valuable commodity. Keep it up. I look forward to reading more.
I love this. It really amused me to see that everything was in Spanish, too, despite the blogs being written in English.
It was weird, finding your blog today, because my nan only had an operation this week to cut out the cancer. And in her life, she didn't smoke, or drink excessively. I hate it when people tell me not to do things incase I get cancer.
I say screw that. Everyone is gonna die someday; you just have to do what you think is right at the time.
Did you know, by the way, that some-odd-percent of freak accidents happen in the home?
So I moved.
Yeah, you should live life to the fullest, but some things are just plain stupid, like getting high. In the end, it doesn't benefit you or anyone else.
And there's more to this life than just living. It's not like when you're dead, your dead. There's Heaven or Hell afterwards, and whether you believe that or not, it's true.
- Jane Opal
If your tree dropping in the forest logic holds, we should really shift our research dollars. What if we figured out all the things we don't want to do should give us cancer: being civil to my mother-inlaw, showing up for work on time, volunteering on Sat. mornings. I would have to give them up for my health. Nice!
I loved this, it made me laugh...alot. It also made a good deal of sense, but I found it very entertaining.
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